News At The Holiday Parties
- Avoid drinking on an empty stomach. Always eat some lean protein or good fat before you start drinking. Try a couple of slices of turkey or a handful of raw nuts, or even shake up some Energyfirst Whey Protein Powder in water or non-fat, soy, or almond milk before indulging. You will notice that you cannot drink as much and you will avoid a hangover in the morning. I also recommend taking 3 B-complex capsules before you start drinking. Alcohol depletes your body’s stores of B-vitamins, which are essential to energy production. If you take mega-doses of B-vitamins during this season, your energy levels will remain high and you will avoid the holiday blues.
- Choose “healthy” snacks such as nuts, vegetable sticks and dip, and avoid filling up on candy canes, popcorn, chocolate, and other sugar-laden and processed snacks.
- Without offending your host, serve yourself or ask your host to serve you with small amounts of food, and clear away your plate when you are finished, rather than filling up again.
- Eat protein first! When eating your main meal, eat the turkey first and leave the skin behind. Turkey is a great source of lean, complete protein and will fill you up so you will be less tempted to overeat on carbs. Make sure you include plenty of vegetables with your meal as well. Choose green beans and salad over the mashed potato and sweet potato and marshmallows! Of course, if the sweet potato is simply baked and served, without all the extras, then a cup-sized portion is just fine! But you can never go wrong with green vegetables of any kind.
- Guilt-free dessert! Opt for fresh berries (soaked for 30 minutes in Grand Marnier or your favorite liquor) topped with fresh cream, rather than calorie- and carb-laden cheesecake or pumpkin pie.
- Avoid eating excessively before going to bed. Going to bed with a full stomach puts a huge strain on your digestive system, causing fatigue the next morning, and low blood sugar during the night which affects sound sleep.