Dear ${customer.firstName},
It's American Heart Month. The latest statistics on heart disease are heart-breaking. It is still the No. 1 killer in the United States. It claims more lives than all forms of cancer combined.
Every 34 seconds, someone has a heart attack.
Every 60 seconds, someone dies of heart disease.
Is there any good news? Heart disease is almost completely preventable. 80% to be more exact. That means you're in a position to decrease your risk.
Did someone in your family have a heart attack or stroke? Don't let that discourage you. Even if you have a family history of heart disease, you can live a healthy, productive, long life. The top three most important things to do are 1) healthy lifestyle, 2) healthy lifestyle, and 3) healthy lifestyle.
We want to support heart-healthy lifestyle goals by providing quality nutrition products like ProEnergy Whey Protein Isolate. Our goal is also to share nutrition insights that both informs and inspires you to live a healthy lifestyle.
This month's issue considers the underlying process that fuels most cases of heart disease. It's important to understand what it is we're fighting against exactly. Learn more about the role of inflammation in heart disease. See Is Your Heart on Fire?
I find that the hardest part about preventing heart disease is simply realizing you can be at risk. Why? Symptoms usually manifest later in life. The lack of symptoms early in life lead many to ignore risk factors and practice risky behaviors. Research shows that you can take valuable steps to preventing heart disease as early as adolescence. Learn more about it here.
The list of healthy changes we can make for our heart can go on. We've hand-picked three changes you can focus on this month to cook more heart-healthy, anti-inflammatory meals. See Three Steps to Becoming an Anti-Inflammatory Cook.
All the best,
Gerry Morton