Your Body Needs Omega Fish Oil |
A Focus on Fish Oil!
I have been an avid believer in the health benefits of omega 3 essential fatty acids for many years. The research is irrefutable: our bodies need omega 3 fats (which is why they are referred to as "essential") for optimal health, energy production, and disease prevention.
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The Power of Positivity
When it comes to losing fat-permanently-a positive attitude is just as important as your nutrition and exercise plan.
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124 Ways Sugar Can Destroy Your Health
I have always been familiar with the destructive consequences of sugar, in all its forms, but seeing them all laid out in this article from, really drove the point home: sugar is indeed poison and should be kept out of your body and the body of your children!
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The Health Benefits of Fruit and Vegetables
Fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, from organic sources, are the highest quality carbohydrates available. They are nutrient dense, high in fiber, and research also shows that fruit and vegetables provide a range of health benefits. They even lower the risk of some cancers!
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