Dear ,
It is easy to take your heart, for that matter, your cardiovascular system, for granted. That’s why I’m writing to you today...
I want to arm you with information you can use to keep your cardiovascular system in good working order for a very long time.
For starters, I want you to know that research suggests there is one day of the week when you are especially prone to threats against this system. Can you guess which day it is? In this issue, we have an article that reveals the day and also provides you with what you need to protect yourself and fight back.
I also want you to know that there are simple nutrients, including fish oil, Coenzyme Q10, and several lesser known protectors, that go a long way toward helping to ensure that your cardiovascular system remains healthy. And it may surprise you to know the heart-health benefits of our natural whey protein powder!
In addition, did you know that the condition of your heart and your skin are very closely related? It’s true! And while’re busy buying this expensive lotion and that costly ointment, the most powerful, lasting method of gaining clear, beautiful skin may be in a bottle of this safe and relatively inexpensive product.
Did you know that heart disease is often referred to as the “silent killer”? It can lurk around within your body for years, with no obvious symptoms. But the good news is that there are things you can do – starting today – help ensure that your ticker keeps ticking properly and that your blood continues to flow smoothly throughout your system.
Yours in Great Health, Gerry Morton
P.S. I invite you to also read how 58-year old Steve manages to keep the physique of a man many years younger by following our advice!