Long And Healthy Life
Dear ,
We all desire to live a long and healthy life. That’s why I’m writing to you today.
I want to let you in on some of the secrets of the world’s longest living people. The simplicity of their lifestyle will amaze you and motivate you to follow their example.
Then I also want to tell you about the uncanny connection between your emotional health and your physical health and how one greatly affects the other.
And no discussion like this would be complete without talking about a healthy diet. Quite naturally, what you put into your body affects how long and how well it operates.
Also, please check out the letter from Dr. Woody Oakes. After surviving open heart surgery and a stroke, he’s now on the path toward living a long and happy life, thanks to the EnergyFirst Shake and other enhancements to his lifestyle. He tells us that he’s lost 20 pounds and feels better than ever! If Woody can, so can you!
I hope you read this issue carefully and that you do something � starting today � to help ensure that you live a long, healthy and happy life.
Yours in Great Health, Gerry Morton