Love Your Body
Hi ,
Love is in air... or, at least the reminders and symbols of love are all around us this month. Why not start with loving yourself this month? Give yourself more energy, better health and a vibrant life by taking care of your body.
One of my favorite things to do when I speak or write about nutrition and wellness is to remind you that our bodies are amazing – they are resilient – and they are designed to work efficiently and effectively! How can you not love that? Your body is incredible!
All we have to do is to work with (not against) our bodies natural biochemistry. That requires being mindful of what we put into our bodies, how we use our bodies and how we treat ourselves. My aim is to keep sharing high-quality, all natural products, valuable information and useful tools that will help you take care of yourself.
This month, our first article explains the power of positive thoughts on your health. The next few articles share some great information and research findings from recent studies relating to omega-3 fatty acids, bone health and increasing your life expectancy.
Love yourself – take care of your body!
Yours in great health, Gerry Morton |