Program for achieve a lean body !
Hi ,
Want a lean body? The
EnergyFirst Program is designed to help you achieve a lean body and so much more – we want to help you stay healthy, fit and energized!
This month’s newsletter features articles with useful information about staying lean and fit. The first article "New Study: Nutrition Trumps Exercise for a Lean Body" highlights a new study that has been in the news. Its findings support what we at EnergyFirst have been known for years – if you want to have a lean body, your nutritional intake is of primary importance!
In fact, the EnergyFirst Program is based on the following equation for optimal health: 75% Nutrition, 20% Exercise, 5% Supplementation. What this means is that we believe (and research supports) that you’ll get the most and best result from first and foremost focusing on your dietary intake. Click here to read more about our "75%, 20%, 5%" formula for optimal health.
I also encourage you to read to "Think Thin" to learn more how visualization and a positive mental attitude can help in achieving good health. And, learn more about EnergyFirst shakes and the important of breakfast by reading "Breakfast 101". Read up on some of the benefits of sleep and the consequences of not sleeping enough in "Sleep on It".
Finally, you’ll be inspired and impressed by this month’s success story. It comes from a long–time customer, Dr. Woody Oakes (founder of Excellence in Dentistry). We encourage you to read his letter which details how "EnergyFirst changed [his] life!"
Yours in great health, Gerry Morton |