February is National Boost Self Esteem Month, which is a great reminder to consistently nurture positive feelings about yourself. Don’t let frigid temperatures, lack of sunshine, winter weight gain, or other factors get you down. Healthy confidence enables you to face challenges gracefully, and optimizes your joy when the living is easy. These tips can help:
Beware of post-holiday blues
Since the holidays are often a whirlwind of activity, the calm after the storm can be a letdown, leading to the blues─or worse. If you feel a bit low, remind yourself that a slight feeling of loss is natural after such an intense burst of celebration. Post-holiday blues can usually be managed by journaling, exploring new activities, exercising, and connecting with others.
Celebrate your positive qualities
Much like counting your blessings, taking stock of your personal assets─including skills, education, experiences, and talents─is uplifting, serving as a reminder of how much you have to offer the world. What’s not to love? Reflecting on your past triumphs can also inspire you to set new goals, which in turn boosts confidence.
Seek support
People you love certainly have their low ebbs too─it’s part of the human condition. Reaching out to others is healthy and beneficial, and you’ll likely find that friends and family will be supportive if and when you want to share your feelings. If not, a counselor or therapist is an invaluable resource.
Take care of yourself
Sugar, refined carbs and junk food can all sap your energy and affect mood, which in turn may diminish confidence. Conversely, a top way to improve self-esteem is by living a healthy lifestyle, complete with exercise 3-5 time/week, a nutritious, protein-rich diet, a daily multi- vitamin/mineral formula plus omega-3 rich fish oil, proper hydration, and plenty of sleep. This combination will not fail you!
Embrace your imperfections
Needless to say, no one is perfect. We all have our challenges and issues, but they make for an interesting package. If you do want to make some healthy changes, bravo! But first acknowledge that you’re splendid just as you are. Your daily decisions affect how you feel─inside and out─so make them count in your favor!