According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, approximately 106,000 people die annualy from adverse effects of medications prescribed by doctors. 7,000 people die each year from medication errors in hospitals. Although they boast of solving one problem, prescription drugs have a dark side and can cause a range of other problems.
What are most of these prescription drugs treating? Lifestyle diseases! High blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, respiratory diseases like asthma, arthritis, degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease, diabetes and, in many cases, even cancer are linked to poor activity levels, unhealthy diets, smoking, alcohol intake or excessive sun exposure. Lifestyle change or lifestyle disease? To a great degree, it really is your choice.
Without a doubt, certain prescription drugs are indispensible. They save lives of AIDS patients, rheumatoid arthritis, or other serious conditions. In general, though, these drugs are overprescribed and/or downright dangerous. Many of these drugs require another prescription drug to ease the symptoms.
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