People with diabetes do not have the benefits of insulin in metabolizing blood sugar. Because of this, the body is incapable of metabolizing carbohydrates as it converts to glucose through the process of digestion. This leaves a high level of glucose in the blood stream, causing health problems. There are three types of diabetes: type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is responsible for 90 to 95 per cent of diabetics, according to the National Institutes of Health and is both preventable and reversible
Eat Healthy To Avoid Diabetes
Studies have shown that eating whole foods low in saturated fats and sugar reduce your risk for diabetes. Instead of buying fast foods that are high in calories, saturated fats and sugar, choose whole foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and legumes.
Foods containing complex carbohydrates are necessary to provide energy for many functions in your body. Carbohydrates break down to glucose during digestion and enter the bloodstream which triggers the pancreas to secrete insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for getting glucose from the bloodstream into the cells for energy, cellular growth and repair. A person with type 1 diabetes needs to have insulin replaced in their body or use oral medications to keep their blood sugar in control. Chromium Picolinate is one natural supplement that can help the body to metabolize carbohydrates and get glucose into cells where it is needed.
Fiber controls Blood Sugar
Increasing fiber intake controls blood sugar levels. Fiber also makes you feel full which help with weight loss to control obesity. Foods high in fiber are vegetables, beans, fruits, seeds and nuts. Incorporating our Omega Mix of organic raw seeds into your shake will give you added fiber needed to control blood sugar. Whole grains have also been shown to lower your risk of developing diabetes. Some good whole grain foods to choose are bulgur, whole oats, whole wheat flour, millet and quinoa, according to American Diabetes Association. Our Organic Fiber made from psyllium husk is a natural source of gluten-free fiber that is free of harmful fertilizers or pesticides and approved by USDA.
Get Your Body Moving to Prevent Diabetes
Obesity is a major cause of type 2 diabetes and exercising to lose those extra pounds is one way to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Regular aerobic and resistance training helps the body stay sensitive to insulin production and keeps blood sugar in a normal range. Exercise is like a reset button for your blood sugar. Use it to your advantage early and often!
Walk to Prevent Diabetes
"Walking is one of the best types of medicine we have to prevent diabetes" quoted by JoAnn Manson, MD, Dr.PH in Prevention Magazine. Walking decreases abdominal fat - one of the biggest risk factors for diabetes. Walking for 30 minutes a day decreased diabetes risk by 30 per cent for women, per Harvard Health's Nurse Study; and walking for an hour a day decreased belly fat by 20 per cent after 14 weeks for women who participated in a Canadian study. Permalean Protein Bars are 100% natural, have over 23g of protein, are low in carbohydrates and have less than 1g of sugar. They make the perfect low-calorie snack in between meals to keep your blood sugar stable.