Traditionally, we look at whey for its muscle growth and fitness benefits. Whey protein appears to have useful appliations in cardiovascular health.
Cardiovascular disease claims more lives than all cancers combined, according to the American Heart Association.
Cardiovascular disease doesn't happen overnight, though. Take high blood pressure, for example. Blood presure doesn't just go from healthy to unhealthy. Pre-hypertension is the precursor to clinical hypertension. It lies somewhere in between.
Though not an illness, it's a strong warning sign that major illness lies ahead. Studies show that prehypertension is actually high in apparantly healthy young adults. This puts them at greater risk for atherosclerosis and heart disease later in life.
Whey protein has been shown to help lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure in young, pre-hypertensive adults. Study subjects with high blood pressure saw an 8 and 8.6 point decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, respectively.
How does whey work to lower blood pressure?
Some studies suggest that it works much like ACE inhibitors - traditional treatment for hypertension. These drugs inhibit the renin-angiotensin system that regulates blood pressure. Milk proteins, such as whey, have been reported to also inhibit ACE activity. The ACE inhibitors found in whey are known as lactokinins.
The bottom line: whey protein may help improve blood pressure, especially in those with high blood pressure, obesity, or those who are overweight.
EnergyFirst's ProEnergy whey protein isolate is a cold processed, non-denatured, low-glycemic source of pure whey protein.
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