They're low in calories, less likely than sugar to promote tooth decay, keep their flavor even when heated, sweeter than sugar and can be used in baked goods. What more could you ask for? More Stevia and Trutina Dulcem, please!
The first member of this sweetener dynamic duo is a South American herb called Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni, which is more commonly known as "Stevia." Estimated to be some 150 to 400 times sweeter than sugar, Stevia is used in Japan, Brazil and Korea to sweeten a variety of foods. Since the passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), Stevia can be sold legally in the United States, but only as a "dietary supplement" and cannot be labeled as a "sweetener." Although the Japanese have used Stevia for over 30 years without incident, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has withheld approval of Stevia as a food additive, citing a lack of long-term studies demonstrating its safety. Even so, it can be found in many forms in most health-food stores, and is also incorporated into drinks, teas and other items, which have all been labeled as dietary supplements.
Trutina Dulcem (TD) is a natural fruit concentrate made from kiwi fruit that is five times sweeter than sugar. Like Stevia, TD is a naturally sweet compound that does not contain any artificial ingredients or chemicals and is safe for diabetics to use as it does not elevate insulin levels. Unlike Stevia, TD is not available to the general public and can only be used by licensed food, drink and nutraceutical manufacturers as a raw material. TD is also "thermogenic," which means that it helps speed up the fat-burning process in the body. Table sugar, honey, dextrose, maltodextrose and most sweeteners are all anti-thermogenic, thereby slowing down the fat-burning process in the body.
Because of their low glycemic profile, Stevia and TD are ideal for weight loss, diabetic and sports nutrition-related products. They are also much healthier alternatives to artificial sweeteners such as saccharin and aspartame which have been linked to such afflictions as migraines, memory loss, seizures, pain and infertility. EnergyFirst uses Stevia and TD as sweeteners in its Natural Whey Protein Powders which are made with only premium whey isolate, the purest protein available, making it the perfect fuel for building lean, strong muscles and achieving a healthy lifestyle.