If you do decide to drink, what is the best approach to take from a nutritional standpoint? How can you enjoy alcoholic beverages and still keep to your health and nutrition goals.
Remember, all forms of alcohol - wine, beer, or liquor - is calorie-dense. If you're trying to control calorie intake, aim for a lower calorie drink.
Aim for simple drinks, especially when it comes to cocktails. Sugar syrups, fruit juices, mixers, and sodas that are typically added to cocktails can spike up blood sugar levels quickly.
Learn to savor your favorite drink. More is just more. It doeesn't last or necessarily taste better. Choose a drink you really enjoy and stick with that one drink, focusing on what you enjoy about it. If you choose to drink alcohol, remember to stay hydrated. In fact, alternate between drinking an alcoholic drink and a non-alcoholic drink. The more ice, muddled fruit, seltzer or coconut water, and fresh herbs like mint, the more you balance out the dehydrating effects of alcohol. To avoid drinking alcoholic drink too quickly, make sure you are well hydrated with water before having a drink.
Instead of processed and sugary mixers, use lime or lemon juice, seltzer water, flavored sparkling water, grated ginger, or a splash of your favorite 100% fruit juice.
Space drinks one hour apart. Choose non-alcoholic versions of your favorite tasting drink. Try to avoid drinking every day. Order wine by the glass, not the bottle.
Don't drink on an empty stomach. As mentioned in the previous article, without food in the stomach, alcohol is absorbed quickly by the stomach lining. Eat mindfully before and after drinking, but especially during drinking.
Aim to drink around 8-10 ounces of water for every serving of alcohol (1 oz of liquor/ 8 oz bere/ 4 oz wine).