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March - Warm of Wellness

“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes face adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome” — Anne Bradstreet

Dear ,

Greetings and salutations! March is upon us, which is a good opportunity to learn more about healthy living. For starters, it’s National Nutrition Month, a nutrition education and information campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. This observance invites us to step back and ask ourselves if we’re eating healthy on a daily basis. If you’re not, these tips may be just the motivation you need.

March is also National Caffeine Awareness month, which was created to call attention to the darker side of caffeine. While many Americans rely on that daily cup of Joe, it pays to learn more about the pros and cons. This short article will bring you up to speed.

Finally, March 27 is Diabetes Alert Day, which acts as a 1-day "wake-up" call reminding Americans who may be at risk for type 2 diabetes to take the Diabetes Risk Test, which evaluates factors that might predispose you to prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes is a valuable "red flag" because if it’s properly addressed, full blown diabetes can be avoided entirely. Learn how here.

A lot to think about, but then, where would we be without healthy challenges?

Best in Wellness as always!
Gerry Morton


Is Your Plate in Shape

March is National Nutrition Month, inviting you to take a close look at your daily menu...

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Caffeine and Your Wellness

March is National Caffeine Awareness Month, which was created...

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Prediabetes: What You Need to Know

March 27 is Diabetes Alert Day—a 1-day "wake-up" call reminding...

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